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Deep Plane Neck Liftin Plano, Texas

A Neck Above the Rest

Deep Plane Neck Liftat Brobst Facial Plastic Surgery

As people age, the neck can become a source of cosmetic concern. It's possible for the skin and muscles of the neck to become lax, which can lead to a variety of problems. For example, the famed "turkey neck," characterized by skin and tissue that hangs loosely, is commonly bothersome and can become a distraction. One innovative solution for addressing these neck-related cosmetic concerns is the Deep Plane Neck Lift, a surgical procedure designed to provide long-lasting and natural-looking rejuvenation for a more youthful neck appearance.

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Unfortunately, noninvasive or minimally invasive techniques are limited in the improvement they can deliver. Alternatively, at Brobst Facial Plastic Surgery in Plano Deep Plane Neck Lift can create a marked contour improvement by extending the dissection under the platysma, where the deep neck fat, digastric muscles, and submandibular glands are present and manipulated as needed.

Transformation From The Neck Up

What is a deep plane neck lift?


During a conventional neck lift, extra skin is redraped and excised, the subcutaneous fat is removed, and the borders of the sagging platysma muscle are conservatively excised before bringing them closer together. Although this strategy works very well for some people, others may want or need more. When there are concerns, such as deep fat, prominent digastric musculature, and/or heavy and sagging salivary glands, comprehensive surgical operations are required to attain a more contoured neck.

  • Liposuction of the neck to eliminate the excess fat that is closer to the surface
  • Excision of subplatysmal fat
  • Excision of the skin
  • Modification of the muscles of the platysma (neck cords)
  • Sculpting of the salivary glands

In contrast to a conventional neck lift, a Deep Plane Neck Lift goes beyond addressing superficial concerns. This advanced surgical technique involves the meticulous repositioning and sculpting of deeper tissues, including the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) and underlying fat deposits. By addressing deep-seated structural issues, a Deep Plane Neck Lift offers a more comprehensive solution for individuals seeking a truly transformative improvement in their neck contour and appearance. This procedure is often preferred when there are concerns related to deep fat deposits, prominent digastric musculature, and sagging salivary glands, providing a more contoured and youthful neck profile.

Deep Plane Neck Lift vs. Traditional Neck Lift

A deep plane neck lift may have longer-lasting effects, but primarily it reaches an area that isn’t dissected in traditional neck lift methods. By working and contouring in the plane underneath the platysma muscle and fascia, we may prevent irregularities of the facial skin that can occur with liposuction inappropriately utilized in some patients during traditional neck lifting procedures.

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The deeper fat, drooping glands, and displaced muscle in the neck can all be addressed through a deep-plane neck lift approach. Liposuction is often used conservatively to remove the fat directly under the skin, but this is less critical for the correction of the neck contours and helps to maintain a softer neck appearance. The skin is still redraped in a higher, more youthful, and contoured position in both a traditional and deep plane neck lift.

Both treatments for the neck result in better jawline contours and neck angulation, but with a Deep Plane Neck Lift Plano patients can experience even more precise shaping, especially when deeper structures are the primary concern.

Deep Plane Neck Lift at Brobst Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics

With world-class training and experience in both traditional and Deep Plane Neck Lifts, we select and customize the best procedure to meet your specific needs. These procedures create amazing improvement and natural-looking results.

Deep Plane Neck Lift in Plano, TX  Plano

ReshapeYour Face

What can a deep plane neck lift do?

The rejuvenated neckline following a deep plane neck lift can last 15 years or even longer. In many that have always had fullness under their chin, we can create a new contoured neck that you have never been able to appreciate. This can be life-changing, for anyone that is self-conscious and has avoided situations or interactions due to their neck appearance. Some of the benefits of a deep plane neck lift are:

  • Reduced double chin
  • Sharper, more defined jawline
  • Lack of rub or override of shirt collars
  • Beautiful, angulated neck line

Patients of all ages can benefit from neck lifting options. For younger patients that have always had a thicker neck despite overall body leanness, a deep plane neck lift can get a great result due to the procedure's focus on contour improvement over skin laxity removal in this instance.

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The following describes people who are good candidates for a deep plane neck lift:

  • Maintains fairly consistent and healthy body weight.
  • Good overall mental and physical health
  • Does not smoke or vape
  • Has a strong, well-projected jaw
  • Has a high, well-defined underlying bony-cartilaginous neck structure

The ideal candidates for a deep plane facelift and deep plane neck lift are patients over 40 with loose, sagging skin.

Your Needs Met

Your Deep Plane Neck Lift Consultation

Bring any questions or concerns you may have to your consultation. Dr. Brobst wants to explain all of the options available and let you make an informed decision. He will review your medical history, listen to your needs and wants, and analyze your face structure and current condition. With Dr. Brobst's guidance, you will decide if a deep plane neck lift is best for you.

A More Graceful Jawline

Deep Plane Neck Lift Preparation and Procedure

For a deep plane neck lift, monitored anesthesia care with sedation or general anesthesia is indicated. This allows for a pain and stress-free experience. If skin laxity is minimal, the tissue of the neck is addressed through a single incision made under the chin. If skin excess or droopiness is present, then additional incisions behind the ear may be necessary.

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The procedure is tailored to your exact facial features, and incisions are utilized as needed to create a more graceful neckline. The procedure takes 2-3 hours, but the effects can be astounding from this investment of time. A facelift is frequently incorporated if a patient has marked skin excess or simultaneous cheek drooping that will be a hindrance to the final outcome.

Revitalize Your Look

Deep Plane Neck Lift Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

After a deep plane neck lift, you may experience swelling, tenderness, numbness, and bruising. After a week, all sutures are removed. In two to three weeks, most patients return to cardiovascular exercise, and after six weeks, they can resume any heavy lifting activities. , You can return to your job and social activities as soon as it fits in the physical limitations of recovery and you feel socially ready. Sleeping with your head elevated can help resolve swelling and is encouraged for the first four to six weeks or as long as you see a benefit. Post-operative massage and other interventions are utilized to hasten your improvement.

Most people feel they look great at three months or sooner, but the effects will continue to improve for six to twelve months after the surgery. Scars are barely noticeable after four to six weeks.

Maintaining your deep plane neck lift results

Dr. Brobst will provide detailed instructions to ensure proper healing and long-lasting results. Your follow-up appointments are important so that Dr. Brobst can monitor your healing process. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a good skincare routine will ensure you get the best out of any cosmetic procedure.

Deep Plane Neck Lift Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a deep plane neck lift is impacted by anesthesia fees, the technique utilized, additional services involved, the total time required, and the materials needed to perform the right surgery to accomplish your goals.

Health insurance will not cover the costs of cosmetic procedures, this includes a deep plane neck lift.

You will need to arrange for a responsible adult to bring you home from the operation and be present for the first 24 hours. Arranging transportation for the first couple of weeks is also required.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Bo today

Let's Chat

We want to welcome you into our Plano office for a consultation to chat about how we can protect and preserve your beauty. We want to get to know you as a person and develop a plan that best fits your needs and lifestyle. At Brobst Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics, you’re more than a patient — you’re part of our family. We want to take care of you the way family should. Schedule your consultation to get started today.

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